Ann is excited to start the next chapter of her life, moving into a new apartment with her boyfriend, Josh. But little did she know that living together would reveal some surprising things about him.

A “Forever” Kind of Love

Ann and Josh have been dating for two years, and their love felt like it could last forever. They met at a football game, right at the hotdog stand. As Ann drizzled ketchup and mustard on hotdogs, they exchanged numbers, and their love story began.

Taking the Plunge

After two years of dating, Ann and Josh were ready to take their relationship to the next level and move in together. Ann spent a week getting everything in order, meticulously organizing her belongings. She even bought new pots and pans because she was serious about building a life with Josh.

The Shocking Truth

But things took an unexpected turn. As they sat on the couch enjoying pizza and beer to celebrate their big day, Ann asked Josh to clear the food away so they could look for bedding. They needed to make their bed for the first night in their new home. What Josh said next left Ann stunned.

Josh revealed that he couldn’t do simple chores like clearing the table because he had a magical fairy who had been doing everything for him – his mom. Yes, his mom had been doing all the chores since he was a child. Ann was taken aback. She didn’t expect Josh to do everything, but she hoped for some level of help now that they were living together.

A Major Red Flag

When Ann questioned why this hadn’t come up before, Josh simply replied, “We’re only living together now. And I can pay you per month if you’d like.” Ann couldn’t believe her ears. Josh wanted her to be his maid and pay her for it.

Making a Decision

Ann couldn’t imagine living with a man-child who expected her to do everything for him. That night, as she lay in bed, unable to sleep, she made up her mind. She texted her mom, seeking advice. To her surprise, her mom replied immediately, telling her to come home in the morning.

The next morning, Ann gathered her important things and left. She drove straight back to her parents’ home, realizing that she’d rather be a daughter living by their rules than a handmaiden to Josh.

Starting Over

With the help of her parents, Ann unpacked what she had brought from the apartment. Her dad wasn’t a fan of Josh, and her parents exchanged amused glances as Ann shared the story with them.

Later that day, Ann’s mom accompanied her to the apartment to collect the rest of her belongings. When they arrived, they found Josh sitting on the couch, playing a game on his laptop. None of his boxes had been unpacked.

Setting Him Straight

Ignoring his demands for an explanation, Ann continued to pack her things from the kitchen cupboards. Josh called out to her, but Ann made it clear that she couldn’t be with someone who expected her to be his mom at home. It was time for Josh to grow up.

Though he didn’t take it well and denied relying on his mother for everything, Ann knew she had made the right decision. Packed up and ready to leave, Ann and her mom exited the apartment, closing the door on her short-lived chapter with Josh.

Moving Forward

Was Ann wrong to move out so quickly? Maybe not. She realized that she deserved a partner who would share responsibilities and grow with her. What would you have done in her situation?

And if you’re looking for more stories, here’s another one: William left his wife and daughter to start a new life with his young mistress. But years later, everything changed when he came face-to-face with his grown-up daughter.