After a difficult divorce, addiction issues, and the death of one of her exes, Valerie Bertinelli decided to devote the rest of her life to her well-being and her only son. - Live News Pro

Valerie Bertinelli is an inspiring woman who has faced many challenges and triumphed over them. From body shaming as a child to struggling with addiction and going through two divorces, Bertinelli has come out stronger and is now dedicated to living a happy and healthy life.

From Actress to Home Cook

Valerie Bertinelli started her career as an actress, notably known for her role as Barbara Cooper Royer on the sitcom “One Day at a Time.” After her acting career, Bertinelli transitioned into becoming a kitchen professional with her own Food Network show, “Valerie’s Home Cooking.” She has also written books, sharing not only delicious recipes but also her life story and experiences.

A Journey of Self-Acceptance

Growing up as the third of five children in a constantly moving household, Bertinelli always wanted to make others happy. However, she faced body shaming from her teacher in fifth grade, which affected her self-perception. Despite this, she continued to pursue acting and landed commercial roles and television guest spots.

The Success and Struggles of Stardom

Valerie Bertinelli joined the cast of “One Day at a Time” as Barbara, a teenage girl navigating life with her divorced mom. While on the show, she faced pressure to maintain a certain weight and compared herself to her co-star, Mackenzie Philips, who she felt had a more ideal figure. This led her to use weight loss pills, which she ultimately stopped due to their side effects.

Behind the scenes, Bertinelli was living a typical teenage life with her friends and experiencing the ups and downs of relationships. It was during this time that she met and fell in love with Eddie Van Halen, eventually marrying him and experiencing the challenges of a rock and roll lifestyle.

A Journey of Healing and Self-Care

Valerie Bertinelli’s divorce from Eddie Van Halen was a difficult time in her life. She turned to food for comfort, which led to weight gain and a period of darkness. However, she realized that she needed to take care of herself not only for her own well-being but also for the sake of her son.

After her divorce, Bertinelli found love again with Tom Vitale and they got married in 2011. Unfortunately, their second marriage also ended in divorce, adding to her struggles. Through therapy, journaling, and humor, Bertinelli is working on healing and finding happiness.

Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle

Valerie Bertinelli understands the importance of taking care of her physical and mental health. She no longer focuses on the number on the scale but instead prioritizes her internal well-being. She has embraced a clean and sober lifestyle, allowing her to feel better both physically and emotionally.

Throughout her journey, Bertinelli has learned to love and accept herself. Despite the challenges she has faced, she remains positive and full of joy. She inspires others to take care of themselves and be the best versions of themselves.

Valerie Bertinelli’s story serves as a reminder that we can overcome obstacles and find happiness at any stage of life.