Babies cry – it’s a natural part of their development. But what happens when a grandmother takes matters into her own hands and goes against the wishes of the mother? A shocked and traumatized mom shares her story of how her mother locked her newborn in a room for sleep training, causing irreparable damage to their relationship.

Everyone Wants to Meet Lila

Lila, a three-month-old bundle of joy, had already garnered a reputation for her impressive vocal abilities. Her grandparents, who lived hours away, were eager to meet her. However, due to health issues, they couldn’t make the journey.

After countless video calls and relentless pleading, Lila’s parents decided to make the trip to introduce their little one to the grandparents.

Finally Meeting Lila

Lila’s grandparents went all out in preparation for her arrival. They set up a wooden crib in the spare room, unaware that Lila still slept in her parents’ room. Unfortunately, the crib couldn’t fit through the door, leaving the mother unable to sleep in the same room as her daughter.

Despite the inconvenience, the parents remained optimistic about hearing Lila’s cries throughout the night. Little did they know what was about to unfold.

Disagreeing over Sleep Training

The next day, the grandmother suggested sleep training Lila – letting her cry it out through the night. However, the mother firmly believed Lila was still too young for such methods.

That night, as the mother put Lila to sleep, a sense of dread washed over her when she discovered the door locked. Panicked, she confronted her mother, only to be met with resistance. The grandmother insisted on sleep training and claimed to be helping.

Disturbed by the situation, the mother sought her father’s support. He demanded the key from his wife and urged her to leave their daughter alone.

A Shattered Trust

The incident left the mother traumatized and questioning her trust in her own mother. The next day, her mom called, ignorant of the damage caused, and asked about their next visit. But the mother no longer felt comfortable staying overnight after what had happened.

She believes in a different parenting approach that doesn’t involve locking the baby in a room to cry. Moreover, considering Lila’s premature birth, she believes it’s crucial to adapt her parenting methods accordingly.

Reddit Users Speak Out

The mother shared her story on Reddit, and fellow users expressed deep concern over the grandmother’s actions. They highlighted the potential dangers and risks associated with leaving a baby locked in a room.

“It is a gross violation of your trust in her. The consequences are yours – as her parents – to decide about,” one commenter rightfully stated.

As this traumatized mother navigates the challenges of parenting, she remains steadfast in her commitment to protecting her child and embracing her own parenting style.