Being a workaholic, I had been single for a few years until my friend introduced me to Alex. After a couple of weeks of chatting and phone calls, I thought he was the perfect guy – sweet, good-looking, and intelligent. He works as an architect and has a great sense of humor. So, we finally decided to go to his favorite restaurant, a chain he has loved since childhood.

As we sat down for dinner, we shared personal stories. I opened up about my dream of becoming a surgeon and expressed my dissatisfaction with my current high-paying but uninteresting job. Surprisingly, he also shared his frustrations with his own job and mentioned that he wouldn’t mind making a change. The evening was going really well until the bill arrived, and it amounted to a whopping $400.

Without hesitation, I took out $200 to contribute my share. However, Alex, being seemingly generous, insisted, “No, please, it will be my treat.” But then came his audacious comment, “You said you’re saving money for your dream. But in your place, I’d save it for breast-enhancing surgery.” He said it so loudly and even started laughing, causing shock and disbelief to ripple through the restaurant. Even the waiter who served us took a step back in surprise.

In that moment, I felt a mix of anger and embarrassment. How could someone be so bold as to suggest that I spend my hard-earned money on breast surgery, insinuating that small breasts needed fixing? Suppressing my initial reaction, I calmly retorted, “You know, it’s awfully pathetic to say such things to any girl. Maybe you should consider a brain-enhancing procedure for yourself.”

Leaving my $200 on the table, I walked out of the restaurant. Later, I discovered that Alex was not only banned from the restaurant we dined at but from the entire chain he loved so much. It turned out that our waiter was a friend of my college buddy Sam, who worked there as a chef. Daniel, the waiter who served us, recognized me from pictures and shared the absurd incident with Sam. Using his influence, Sam made sure that Alex faced the consequences of his disrespectful behavior.

Alex tried to call me and left numerous audio messages. First, he was screaming that it was just a joke. Then, he tried to convince me that it was my fault for not understanding his sense of humor. The last straw was when he attempted to connect with my boss, hoping to get me fired. I couldn’t believe how mean he turned out to be. It was sheer nonsense.

But this experience hasn’t discouraged me from dating. I believe that not all men are like this. In fact, standing up for myself against such disrespect has given me a newfound confidence. It serves as a reminder that treating others with respect is absolutely vital. As for Alex, he learned the hard way that inappropriate comments have consequences.

Remember, it’s important to surround yourself with people who uplift and respect you. Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve.