Weddings are joyous occasions filled with love and laughter. But sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and embarrassing moments happen. People on Reddit have shared their most cringe-worthy experiences at weddings, and here are the top eight moments they had.

The Worst Thing to Say to a Bride or Groom

One person shared that their paternal family would make comments to their mom about divorcing their dad, despite the couple being together for 31 years and having eight children. The OP reassured everyone that their parents are still madly in love.

At another wedding, the photographer made an unintended innuendo when the groom accidentally knocked the flowers out of the bride’s hands. The moment was captured on camera and even included in the wedding videos for everyone to see.

Meanwhile, at a friend’s uncle’s wedding, someone advised the couple to look into each other’s eyes to see “the love, the compassion, the joy radiating off your partner” and also realize that they are “most likely to kill you.” Definitely not the most romantic advice!

Another Reddit user confessed that during their own wedding, they jokingly told their spouse that they didn’t care if they didn’t like each other, as long as they wouldn’t get a divorce for the next five years. Surprisingly, they actually renewed their “contract” for another five years!

In a different story, a mother-in-law snubbed her daughter-in-law’s wedding, claiming that marriages don’t last. However, the couple proved her wrong by celebrating their 25th anniversary.

Awkward Moments Involving Guests

A photographer shared a cringe-worthy incident where they accidentally invited the groom’s ex-wife into the bridal party photos. The awkwardness was palpable, and the photographer wanted to disappear from the situation. Lesson learned: don’t give the ex a matching bridesmaid robe!

As for cringy moments involving the bride and groom themselves, one Reddit user attended a wedding where the minister’s phone rang during the ceremony. And guess who was on the line? God himself, apparently! The conversation lasted a few minutes before the ceremony continued.

In a tale of bridezilla, a videographer witnessed a bride who kept everyone waiting for over an hour at her outdoor ceremony. She was getting pampered and taking her sweet time going through her vows, while the guests suffered in the summer heat. When her aunt reminded her that people had been waiting, the bride threw a tantrum, declaring it was her day. To make matters worse, one of the groomsmen fainted from heat exhaustion, but the bride refused to pause the ceremony out of concern. Talk about dramatic!

Weddings are undoubtedly memorable, but sometimes for all the wrong reasons. These embarrassing moments serve as a reminder that even in the midst of love and happiness, we can still find ourselves in cringeworthy situations.