In the early hours of October 15, 2023, the world said goodbye to a beloved icon, Suzanne Somers. Best known for her role in “Three’s Company,” Somers passed away at her home in Palm Springs, California, on the eve of her 77th birthday. Her battle with cancer, which spanned over two decades, had finally come to an end.

Throughout her journey, Suzanne Somers had the unwavering support of her husband, Alan Hamel. They had often discussed their mortality, recognizing that their time together was limited. Hamel, being ten years her senior, assumed that he would be the first to go. But life had other plans. Despite the challenging circumstances, Somers fought valiantly, exploring every possible treatment after her breast cancer returned earlier that year.

Unfortunately, Somers faced additional health challenges in the days leading up to her passing. A fall down the stairs in 2020 resulted in a broken neck, requiring months of physical therapy. Her strength became further compromised by the effects of cancer on her bones. Yet, she remained determined to celebrate her upcoming birthday at home with her family.

Somers fought tirelessly by embracing various forms of medicine, including surgery, radiation, and an organic diet. Her approach to health reflected her broader philosophy on life and wellness. Though her family gathered not to celebrate her planned birthday but to honor her life and legacy, the absence of Somers was deeply felt.

Days after Suzanne Somers’ passing, Alan Hamel experienced something extraordinary. In the quiet of the night, he had a vision of his wife. Half-asleep and alone in bed, he reached out and felt her hand in his. It was as if she was there with him, offering comfort and reassurance. This unique connection between them was further exemplified by the special tribute Hamel paid to Somers in their final goodbye. He chose to bury her in a pair of Timberland boots, adorned with heartfelt notes and drawings symbolizing their love and unity.

For nearly half a century, Suzanne Somers and Alan Hamel enjoyed a life together in picturesque Malibu and Palm Springs. They cherished their morning hikes to a serene creek, a place that held profound significance to them both. However, after forty years of memories, they decided to sell their beloved Palm Springs home in May 2021. The decision was not merely physical but also emotional and spiritual.

Their new home would be a testament to their commitment to a greener future. They planned to incorporate eco-friendly features such as solar power, chemical-free materials, and an organic garden. Even though the new house lacked the space for extended family, Somers envisioned it as a vibrant gathering place, reminiscent of the past. One feature they intended to recreate was a “passion pit,” just like the one on an old houseboat where their love story began in the 1960s.

In the aftermath of Suzanne Somers’ passing, Alan Hamel experienced a series of inexplicable events in their Palm Springs home. He recounts three incidents that occurred on the same day, including a hummingbird that flew into their house and lingered near a photo of the couple. In addition, the fireplace ignited by itself, and music from Somers’ favorite composer filled the room. These extraordinary experiences led Hamel to believe in the existence of an afterlife.

Alan Hamel holds the belief that there is a realm beyond human comprehension, where souls transition to after their physical bodies cease to exist. Since Somers’ departure, he has felt her presence during moments of solitude. Acknowledging her presence brings him comfort and reassurance. Hamel hopes that these experiences are real, as they have made the grieving process more manageable. The possibility of being reunited with his wife in the afterlife brings solace to his heart.

Alan Hamel’s unwavering belief in the power of love beyond the grave is a testament to the profound bond he shared with Suzanne Somers. Their love story, spanning decades, continues to inspire and touch the lives of many. While her physical presence may be gone, Suzanne Somers’ legacy lives on in the hearts of those who loved her and in the eternal connection she shares with her beloved husband.