Restaurant visits are usually moments when people reconnect and bond, but sometimes, things don’t go as planned. In the following stories, patrons were left with bills while others had bad dates. Going to restaurants can be a pleasant experience, but sometimes, things go differently than planned, like in the following 5 situations.

Tricking a Vegan Girlfriend into Paying for a Steak

In June 2023, a woman took to Reddit seeking advice on a situation with her boyfriend. She had been committed to a vegetarian lifestyle since she was 11 years old, and her boyfriend didn’t always understand her refusal to spend money on meat. On his birthday, they went to an upscale restaurant where he ate an expensive steak. When the bill arrived, she asked for separate bills, but he was shocked and assumed she would pay because it was his birthday. This led to a heated argument in which he stormed off and she ended up driving home without him. Reddit users supported her, believing her boyfriend had tried to trick her into paying for his meal.

A Fiancé Becomes a Financial Burden

Another Reddit user shared her frustration with her fiancé’s behavior after she received a raise at work. Suddenly, he began expecting her to pay for him and his friends, using her salary increase as justification. On one occasion, he even publicly embarrassed her by insisting she pay for everyone’s meal at a restaurant. Fed up with his behavior, she decided to confront him and refuse to pay. This led to a heated argument and her leaving the restaurant alone. Reddit users praised her for standing up for herself and advised her to reconsider the relationship.

Unpleasant Surprises on a First Date

In this story, a Reddit user recounted a disastrous first date with a woman he had a crush on. They went to a Korean barbecue restaurant, but she was completely unaware of the concept and insisted that the staff should do all the work. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she made offensive remarks about immigrants and used racist slurs. This behavior shocked and disgusted the Reddit user, who decided to leave the restaurant without her. Reddit users supported his decision and encouraged him to move on from such a toxic person.

Unexpected Restaurant Expenses for a Wife

A Reddit user shared her frustration when her husband expected her to pay for his family’s meals during a celebration. Although they had separate finances, he handed her the bill and assumed she would contribute. When she refused, he revealed that he hadn’t even received his bonus yet. This led to a heated argument and an uncomfortable atmosphere at the restaurant. Reddit users sympathized with the woman and applauded her for not giving in to her husband’s unfair expectations.

Sister’s Restaurant Bill Gets Left Behind

In this final story, a Reddit user shared how her sister left her with a hefty bill at an expensive restaurant. Despite warning her sister about the prices beforehand, the sister and her boyfriend ordered expensive meals and then left the restaurant without paying. The Reddit user had no choice but to settle the bill herself. Reddit users commended her for taking a stand and not letting her sister take advantage of her.

These frustrating and unfair situations in restaurants show that not all dining experiences go as planned. It’s important to set clear boundaries and communicate expectations with those you dine with to avoid unpleasant surprises.