Collin Gosselin wrote this gut-wrenching letter while confined at an institution. It was his only hope - to be heard by his dad in a wat that his own mother could not. - Live News Pro

Once upon a time, the reality TV show “Jon & Kate Plus 8” captured the hearts of millions of viewers. A happy family with funny sextuplets and twins, it was hard not to fall in love with them. But the fairy tale came crashing down when Jon and Kate Gosselin’s marriage fell apart due to infidelity, and one of their children ended up in an institution, desperately seeking salvation.

Jon and Kate met in October 1997, when she had just graduated from nursing school and he was working at a hotel. It was a chance encounter at a company picnic that brought them together. Kate was instantly drawn to Jon, and she refused to leave until she had a chance to meet him. At the time, Jon had no clear direction in life – no career goals, no desire to get married or have kids. But fate had other plans.

They quickly became serious, and in June 1999, they tied the knot in an intimate ceremony attended by family and close friends. The newlyweds went on a honeymoon to Disneyland, and it was Kate’s first time on an airplane. Their journey into parenthood began in December 1999 when they visited a fertility doctor. In February 2000, Kate discovered she was pregnant, and they welcomed twin girls Madelyn and Cara on October 8, 2000. Their family grew even bigger when they had sextuplets – Collin, Hannah, Leah, Aaden, Alexis, and Joel – on May 10, 2004.

With their atypical family of twins and sextuplets, TLC approached Jon and Kate about documenting their lives on a reality show. “Kate Plus 8” premiered in 2007 and became one of the network’s highest-rated programs. But the happiness didn’t last long. In 2009, Jon and Kate announced their divorce, with millions of viewers tuning in to witness the unraveling of their relationship.

Jon later revealed that Kate had been having an affair with someone close to the family, which ultimately led to their divorce. But their marriage was fraught with other issues as well. They argued in front of the children, and their shared home became a place of constant crossroads. Kate defended their decision to divorce, stating that it was for the sake of their children.

However, it was Collin who suffered the most. At the age of 12, Kate made the heartbreaking decision to admit him to an institution, citing his “special needs” as the reason. Collin spent years there, celebrating his 13th and 14th birthdays in a place he described as “scary.” In an interview, Collin revealed that his father opposed this decision, but his mother had her own agenda.

In a desperate attempt to be heard, Collin wrote a gut-wrenching letter to his dad, begging him to take him out of the institution. The letter read, “You’re my dad. My savior, please help me. I’m counting on you to get me out of here. Daddy, I love you.” Writing that letter gave Collin a glimmer of hope, a second chance at life.

In 2018, Collin finally moved in with his father and sister Hannah after his father was granted temporary full custody. Jon revealed that Kate didn’t even show up for the custody hearing, leaving him as the last man standing for their son. Collin expressed his gratitude for his sister, who has been a great support system and continues to be there for him.

Jon has been through a grueling custody battle, spending years fighting for his children. He shared that he had spent a substantial amount of money and had gone through numerous lawyers to regain custody of his children. He hopes that more of their children will choose to live with him in the future, giving them a chance to rebuild their relationships.

Sadly, Collin hasn’t seen his mom and other siblings in years, and his relationship with his mother remains strained. He dreams of having a relationship with his mom and his siblings, hoping that one day they can all reunite and catch up on the lost time. Similarly, Jon longs for his children to have a bond with each other, free from any interference.

Collin’s story is a heartbreaking reminder of the struggles faced by children caught in the middle of their parents’ divorce. It serves as a call for parents to prioritize their children’s well-being and put aside their differences for the sake of their family’s unity. Through resilience and the love of a devoted father, Collin has found hope and a second chance at a brighter future.