Have you ever found yourself caught in a situation where you had to hide something from your significant other? Well, let me tell you about my experience. I am a 50-year-old woman, and I have been dating my boyfriend, John, for two years now. We recently moved in together into an apartment building that I happen to own.

Now, you may be wondering why I never mentioned this to John. The truth is, I worry that he may start feeling uncomfortable or even take advantage of the situation. I didn’t want our relationship to be affected by the power dynamic that comes with me being the landlord.

Recently, however, a few complications have arisen. One of the other tenants in the building approached John and asked him to pass along a message to me regarding a repair issue. John was completely shocked to learn that I am the owner of the building. He felt deceived and questioned why I never shared this information with him.

I understand why he feels this way, but I did what I did out of love and concern for our relationship. I wanted our connection to be based on trust, love, and shared experiences rather than any material possessions or hierarchy. Owning the building is just a small part of who I am, and I didn’t want it to define our relationship.

I have now explained my reasons to John, and he says he understands my perspective. However, he still feels hurt that I didn’t trust him enough to share this information. We are working through this issue and trying to find a way to rebuild the trust that was momentarily shaken.

In hindsight, maybe I could have handled the situation differently. Perhaps an open and honest conversation about my concerns would have been the best approach. Nevertheless, I do not regret my initial decision to keep this information to myself.

So, am I the asshole for not telling my boyfriend that I own the building we live in? Maybe in some people’s eyes, but I believe that love and trust should outweigh material possessions. It is a delicate balance to find, but in the end, what truly matters is how we navigate these challenges together.