When men go fishing together, the conversation can cover a wide range of topics. But if those men are married, you can bet that their wives will be a hot topic. That was certainly the case for these four friends who planned a fishing trip and took the opportunity to discuss the lengths they had to go to for a day away.

As they sat by the water’s edge, they couldn’t help but lament the “honey-do” lists awaiting them at home. Each man had made promises to their wives in order to secure this precious time off. Here’s how the conversation unfolded:

First guy: “You wouldn’t believe what I had to promise my wife to go fishing this weekend. I agreed to paint every room in the house next weekend!”

Second guy: “Ha! That’s nothing. I had to promise my wife I’d build her a brand new deck for the pool.”

Third guy: “You guys have it easy. I promised my wife that I’ll remodel the entire kitchen for her.”

The three men couldn’t help but eye the fourth guy, who had been silent the whole time. Curiosity got the better of them, and they asked him what he had done to earn this fishing trip.

Fourth guy: “Well, all I did was set my alarm for 5:30 am. When it went off, I turned it off, gently nudged my wife awake, and said, ‘Fishing or sex?’ And you know what she said? ‘Wear a sweater.’”

It’s always interesting to see the lengths we go to for a day of leisure. While these four friends had different obligations to fulfill, they all managed to find a way to enjoy their fishing trip. It just goes to show that in a relationship, compromise and humor can go a long way.