'What A Beast!' Huge Snake Found By Hiker Near South Carolina Creek

Imagine stumbling upon an enormous snake during a peaceful hike. That’s exactly what happened to a hiker at Florence’s Jeffries Creek Park in South Carolina recently. This sighting was so remarkable that it left the hiker, Meredith Langley, in awe. In fact, she even took to Facebook to share her experience with the South Carolina Hiking Club.

In her Facebook post, Langley couldn’t help but notice how perfectly the snake blended into its natural habitat. She wrote, “This was a good teaching opportunity and example for my own kids who forget not to run ahead of me on trails!”

Upon closer inspection, the snake was identified as a brown water snake from the Nerodia genus. Greg Lucas, a biologist with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, recognized that this non-venomous snake posed no threat.