It’s a heartbreaking story when a mother has to choose between divorcing a cheating husband and losing custody of her daughter. This is exactly what happened to one woman who made the difficult decision to leave her unfaithful spouse. As time went on, her daughter cut off all contact with her, believing that she was the bad person in the situation. It wasn’t until years later, when the daughter found herself in need of financial assistance for college, that she reached out to her mom again.

In January 2022, a woman, aged 45, shared her anonymous story on the “AITA” subreddit. She had married a wealthy man, and she initially thought she was lucky to have someone who could provide for her family. Her husband not only showered her parents with expensive gifts but also paid off her sister’s credit card debts. He even helped her brother secure a great job opportunity. He seemed to be the perfect son-in-law and was always there to support them, even when he cheated on his wife for the first time.

At the time of his affair, the woman had just given birth to their daughter, Kelly. Despite her vulnerability and hurt, she wanted to end the marriage. However, her family urged her to forgive him, emphasizing the importance of Kelly growing up with both parents. She gave in to their advice and convinced herself that she couldn’t be the best wife while pregnant.

When Kelly turned 12, her father cheated on her mother again. This time, the woman was determined to divorce him. But her in-laws and her own parents were against the idea. They didn’t want any scandal that would tarnish their family’s reputation. Unfortunately, the woman lost custody of her daughter during the legal process. Her husband had the financial means to hire top-notch attorneys, and her in-laws supported him every step of the way. However, she did receive alimony and a fair settlement.

The most painful part came when her daughter cut off all contact with her. Kelly believed that her mother was responsible for the breakup and saw her as the bad person in the situation. It wasn’t until years later, when Kelly needed financial help for college, that she reached out to her mom again. She wanted her mother to financially support her education.

This is a difficult situation for any parent to be in. It’s heartbreaking to see a child choose the side of the parent who caused so much pain. The woman is now faced with a tough decision of whether to help her daughter or to let her face the consequences of her actions. It’s a situation that no parent should have to deal with, especially after already going through so much pain and loss.