A teacher noticed that a little boy at the back of the class wasn’t paying attention. Instead, he was squirming around and scratching his crotch. Concerned, the teacher approached him to find out what was going on.

Embarrassed, the boy whispered to the teacher that he had recently been circumcised and was experiencing intense itchiness. Realizing the delicate nature of the situation, the teacher decided to offer some guidance. She instructed the boy to go down to the principal’s office and call his mother for advice.

After making the call, the boy returned to his classroom. However, a few moments later, a commotion arose from the back of the room. Curious, the teacher rushed to investigate and was shocked to find the boy sitting at his desk with his penis exposed.

Confused and alarmed, the teacher exclaimed, “I told you to call your Mom!”

Calmly, the boy responded, “I did, and she told me that if I could endure till noon, she’d come and pick me up from school.”

It’s important for teachers to maintain a supportive and understanding environment for students. This story reminds us of the challenges children can face and the importance of handling sensitive situations with care and empathy.