An interesting story has emerged on Reddit’s “AITA” subreddit, where an 18-year-old woman shared her experience with her boyfriend of three months. What started as a simple arrangement quickly turned into a disagreement over the rent money.

The young woman inherited a two-story house from her father, and she decided to rent out the first floor for $500 per month. Due to the house’s distance from the city, she believed this was a fair price. Similar properties in the area were renting for much higher prices.

When her boyfriend ran into some financial difficulties with his own rent, she kindly offered him a place to stay until he could sort things out. For three months, they lived together, with the understanding that he would contribute by splitting the cost of groceries.

Here’s where things took an unexpected turn. The woman hadn’t informed her boyfriend that she was the owner of the house. She didn’t think it was relevant at the time. However, one day while discussing a broken freezer with her tenant, her boyfriend overheard the conversation and discovered the truth.

His reaction was surprising and rather extreme. He became angry and accused her of being deceitful for not disclosing her ownership of the property. He even went as far as calling landlords evil and implying that they are solely driven by profit.

In a heated argument, her boyfriend demanded that she give him 50% of the rent money she was receiving. He believed it was only fair since she hadn’t been forthcoming about her status as the house owner. The young woman was taken aback by this request, especially considering his negative views on landlords.

In an effort to find a compromise, she offered to donate half of the rent money to a charity. However, her boyfriend responded by calling her selfish and expressing his disappointment in her. Frustrated and hurt by his reaction, she decided to end the relationship.

The woman sought support from her father and thankfully had him present during their final conversation. Her ex-boyfriend’s hurtful words and lack of understanding about her intentions led her to realize that they were not compatible.

The Reddit community offered various suggestions to help the woman navigate this difficult situation, such as changing the locks to ensure her safety and considering a restraining order if necessary. They also encouraged her to focus on moving forward and building a brighter future.

So, what do you think about this story? Should the boyfriend have demanded half of the rent money? Let us know your thoughts.