Put your attention to detail to the test and see if you can determine which chicken is different in the photo below.

Which Chicken Is Different?

In the photo below, there are eight chickens. Your challenge is to figure out which chicken is different. Pay close attention because there might be more than meets the eye.

Need a Hint?

If you’re struggling to find the different chicken, don’t worry. We’ll give you a clue – there’s not just one, but actually seven different chickens in the photo. Take another look and see if you can spot them all.

The Answer

Were you able to solve the puzzle, or have you given up and want to see the answer? Watch the video below to find out which chicken is different.

Still not sure? We’ve got you covered. Take a closer look at each difference below and study the images to understand why they stand out.

If you managed to spot all the differences, then you’re clearly a highly critical thinker. Well done!