A husband recently shared his heartbreaking story on Reddit about a heated argument he had with his wife regarding the paternity of their child, which ultimately put their 10-year marriage in jeopardy.

The couple had met in college and had been together for 14 years, with 10 of those years as a married couple. Despite a rocky past year, the husband had nothing but praise for his wife, describing her as beautiful, supportive, kind, classy, and an amazing wife.

When the wife discovered she was pregnant, the husband was filled with joy. However, due to the challenges they had faced in their relationship, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he might not be the father. Despite this doubt, he reassured his wife of his commitment to their marriage, and she agreed to keep the baby.

But the husband’s lingering suspicion led him to request a paternity test for peace of mind. Upset by his request, his wife reluctantly agreed, hoping it would help him feel better. Unfortunately, the results confirmed his worst fears—he was not the father.

Enraged and filled with anger, the husband confronted his wife, who remained calm, sitting on the couch and comforting their baby. This angered him even more, leading him to kick her out of the house. The next day, his wife reached out and insisted that the baby was indeed his. She asked him to take a second test with a different company, which he did, hoping it would strengthen his case in the divorce.

To his immense relief, both additional tests confirmed that he was, in fact, the biological father. Excited to share the news with his wife, he discovered that she had already made up her mind to divorce him, considering his reaction to the false paternity test as well as his treatment towards her.

Although he believed his initial reaction was valid given the shock and anger he experienced, the husband understood that he had gone too far. He acknowledged that his actions were uncalled for and fueled by his emotions. However, he also felt that his wife had not attempted to understand his perspective.

While he plans to speak with his wife to explore any chance of salvaging their marriage, Reddit users weighed in on the situation. Many users felt that the husband was in the wrong, citing his lack of trust during a vulnerable time in their relationship and his temper towards his pregnant wife.

They also pointed out the emotional and mental damage inflicted upon his wife when she had to shield herself and their child from his anger. Furthermore, kicking his wife and newborn son out of their shared home was seen as unforgivable, leading many to believe that there was little hope for their marriage.

In this difficult situation, it remains to be seen if the husband can find a way to reconcile with his wife and rebuild trust, or if the damage done is irreversible.