Have you ever been on a date that was so bad, you couldn’t wait for it to end? Well, I recently had an experience like that, and it left me questioning whether I made the right decision. Let me share the story with you.

I had been crushing on this woman from my gym for quite some time, and finally, I mustered up the courage to ask her out. We decided to go to a Korean barbecue restaurant for our first date. Little did I know that this choice would soon lead to a series of unfortunate events.

As we sat at the bar, waiting for our table, she asked the most surprising question: “What’s this fire on the table for?” I was taken aback. It turned out she had no idea what a Korean barbecue was. I tried my best to explain it to her, but her reaction left me perplexed. She said, “Why do we have to do all the work?” She believed that the restaurant staff should be responsible for everything.

Despite feeling embarrassed by her behavior, I decided to proceed with our date. We finally got our table, and as the evening progressed, her true colors started to show.

When the time for dessert came, she made a comment that left me speechless. She said, “I wonder if those ‘immigrants’ are here illegally, using American tax dollars.” My heart sank. I couldn’t believe what she had just said. And then, she even went as far as using a racist slur against Pakistani people. The shock I felt cannot be put into words. What she didn’t realize was that I, a person of Indian descent, was sitting right in front of her.

Although deeply disappointed, I managed to finish the dessert. But as soon as I excused myself to use the bathroom, I knew that I had to get out of there. I paid the bill, leaving a tip for the restaurant staff, and walked right out without saying a word to her. When I got home, I blocked her number, determined never to see or speak to her again.

Now, there are those who believe that I should have explained why I was leaving, or even let the restaurant staff handle the situation. But in that moment, I just couldn’t bear the thought of spending another minute with her. The things she said were beyond hurtful, and it was clear to me that our values and personalities were not aligned.

When I turned to the internet to share my story and seek advice, I was relieved to find that many people believed I had made the right decision. They commended me for paying the bill and understood why I had blocked her number. It was reassuring to know that I wasn’t alone in feeling the way I did.

So, what do you think? Was I wrong for leaving and blocking her? I’d love to hear your thoughts, especially if you’ve had a similar experience. Sometimes, it’s good to know that we’re not alone in our dating disasters.