A couple celebrating their new home

When my husband and I finally bought our own apartment after years of saving, it was a moment of pure joy and accomplishment. We had worked tirelessly for four years, and with the help of my amazing parents, we were able to make our dream a reality. But on that special day, my mother-in-law shocked us with her unexpected request for assistance in purchasing her own property. We were dumbfounded.

A Journey of Saving and Support

John and I got married almost five years ago, and at the time, my mother-in-law was living with my older brother James and his family. Unfortunately, there was no room for us in their house, but that didn’t discourage us. We believed it was important to first establish our own place before even considering having children. So, we embarked on a journey of saving every penny we could.

Throughout those years, my parents were our pillars of support. They were always there for us, encouraging and assisting us in any way they could. Their belief in us and their financial help made it possible for us to save enough for the down payment in just four years. And then, they shocked us once again.

A Surprise Beyond Our Imagination

My parents, seeing how hard we had worked and knowing our dreams, made a decision that changed everything. They sold my grandma’s condo and gave us the cash. With that unexpected help, we were able to purchase a beautiful two-bedroom condo. It was a dream come true, and we were over the moon with happiness.

Unexpected Expectations

However, on that celebratory evening in our new home, we discovered my mother-in-law’s hidden agenda. She expected us to assist her in buying a property for herself. The audacity of her request left us speechless. “You’ve bought yourselves an apartment, and you’ve received help before; now it’s your turn,” she said.

An Unwavering Stance

My husband, who had always been a man of principle, stood his ground. He couldn’t understand why we should be involved in fulfilling her desires when we had worked so hard to achieve our own goals. “We owe no one but my wife’s parents,” he firmly stated. He also made it clear that if his brother hadn’t made any adjustments in his life after all these years, that was his own responsibility. As long as he stayed away from us and our new beginning, he could do whatever he pleased.

The Journey Continues

My mother-in-law eventually left our home, and while my husband pondered the situation for a while, it no longer bothered him. We were on the cusp of a new chapter in our lives – becoming parents ourselves. The joy and excitement of impending parenthood overshadowed any lingering resentment or confusion caused by my mother-in-law’s actions. We were ready to embrace the future and cherish the love and support we had from each other and my parents.