
My Dear Partner,

I hope this letter finds you well. There is a decision that I have been contemplating, and the weight of it has been heavy on my heart. After seven years of what I believed to be a devoted partnership, I find myself standing at a crossroads. The past two weeks have been filled with turmoil, and the final straw was the call I received from your boss, revealing your abrupt resignation. It is with deep sadness that I write this, but I believe it is time for us to part ways.

Reflecting on these past years, I have devoted myself to being a good wife, putting all my efforts into our relationship. However, I am sad to say that I feel our connection has diminished over time. Recent incidents, such as your indifference towards my new hairstyle, my continual efforts to please you, and our fading intimacy, have made me question the foundation of our relationship. I cannot ignore the feeling that something has changed between us, whether it be betrayal or simply the loss of our friendship. With a heavy heart, I have come to the conclusion that it is best for both of us to take separate paths.

With sincere sorrow,
Your Former Spouse