I Dumped the Man I Really Liked on Our First Date despite Him Offerring to Pay For Whole $400 Dinner

A Lesson in Caution and Self-Respect

Being a workaholic meant that I had put dating on the backburner for years. That is until a friend introduced me to Alex. He seemed perfect – good-looking, intelligent, and funny, with a successful career as an architect. Little did I know that our first dinner at his favorite chain restaurant would take an unexpected turn.

The Unexpected Turn

As the $400 bill arrived, I was more than willing to split it with Alex. But to my surprise, he insisted on treating me. However, his generosity took a strange and uncomfortable turn when he suggested that I use the money for breast surgery. I was taken aback, and in that moment, I realized that his true colors were showing.

Standing Up for Myself

Gathering my composure, I couldn’t let that remark slide. I pointed out the absurdity of his comment and suggested that he undergo a “brain-increasing” treatment. With that, I left $200 on the table and walked out. It was a bold move, but it felt empowering to stand up for myself and confront disrespect head-on.

Discovering the Truth

Later on, I discovered that Alex had been barred from the entire restaurant network because of his relationship with our waiter. His attempts to defend his offensive remark and his foolish attempt to have me dismissed only further revealed his callous nature. I realized how lucky I was to have dodged a bullet.

Lessons Learned

This disastrous first date taught me an invaluable lesson in caution and self-respect. While the experience was disheartening, it didn’t discourage me from dating altogether. I know that not all men are like Alex, and I remain open to the possibility of finding someone who treats me with respect and kindness.


Sometimes, it takes a disastrous encounter to remind us of the importance of standing up for ourselves and treating others with respect. I’m glad I didn’t let Alex’s improper comments go unchecked. I hope that by sharing my story, others are inspired to confront disrespect and never settle for anything less than they deserve.