As teachers, we’ve all encountered some interesting situations in the classroom. One day, a small child in the back of the class caught my attention. He seemed restless, fidgeting and picking at his butt, clearly not paying attention. Concerned, I turned around to see what was going on.

In a very embarrassed whisper, he confessed that he had just had a circumcision and it was causing him some discomfort. Well, as you can imagine, I wasn’t quite sure how to handle the situation. But, I knew I had to help him.

I instructed the young boy to head over to the principal’s office. It was important for him to speak to his mother and find out what steps he needed to take to alleviate the itching. I hoped that this would resolve the issue and he could return to class.

However, my hopes were dashed when a disturbance broke out in the back of the classroom. I hurried over to investigate and was shocked to find the same boy sitting at his desk with his penis protruding. I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Confused and slightly exasperated, I exclaimed, “I thought I told you to call your mom!”

With a mischievous grin, he calmly replied, “I did. She promised to come get me from school if I could wait until noon.”

Children have an uncanny ability to surprise us, don’t they? This amusing incident certainly left a lasting impression on me. It just goes to show that no matter how prepared we think we are as teachers, we can always expect the unexpected!