Good teachers are the backbone of society. They shape the minds of future scientists, doctors, engineers, and entertainers. But being a teacher is no easy task, especially for those who strive to be great at what they do. Often, teachers are physically and mentally worn down by unruly students who refuse to behave.

One teacher, Julie Marburger, can attest to this. She recently took to Facebook to share her frustrations about parents and their disruptive children at school. Her impassioned post struck a chord with many, and it has been shared over 300,000 times.

In her post, Julie describes an incident with a parent that left her emotionally drained, leading her to leave work early. She had already made the decision to quit teaching at the end of the year, but now she questioned if she could even make it that long. According to Julie, parents have become increasingly disrespectful, and their children’s behavior is even worse. She feels that school administration is often more concerned with keeping parents happy than with allowing teachers to do their jobs effectively – teaching kids.

Julie included photos of her classroom to illustrate the chaos and destruction caused by her students. Many of the damaged or destroyed items were her own personal possessions, as she had no classroom budget. She mentions that upcoming report cards will show nearly half of her students failing due to multiple missing assignments. Despite her ongoing efforts to communicate with parents through weekly reports, emails, and phone calls, many seem uninterested in their children’s academic progress. Julie foresees spending the next week fielding angry calls and emails from parents demanding to know why their child failed. She expects her administrator to question her as well, placing blame on her for the students’ failures, even though she has done everything she can to support them.

The frustrations Julie expresses in her post stem from a larger issue – the coddling and enabling of children. She believes this problem will continue to spread through society if not addressed. It’s not fair to society, and more importantly, it’s not fair to the children. Teaching them that everything is okay and shielding them from failure will not lead to successful and happy lives.

Julie’s words have resonated with many people. What do you think? Do you believe children today are too coddled and enabled? Let us know in the comments below and help spread Julie’s message even further by sharing this article.