A San Francisco firefighter has become the talk of the town after wearing a shirt with the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” written across the back while on duty. The incident took place this past Saturday morning and quickly became viral on social media, with many residents expressing their dissatisfaction.

The phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” is a joke that originated as a euphemism for expressing frustration with the current political administration. It is a way of saying “f*cĸ Joe Biden” without directly using those words. However, not everyone found the firefighter’s choice of attire amusing. One man took to social media and tagged San Francisco Mayor London Breed, District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, and the San Francisco Fire Department in his post, asking if this was the new uniform of the SFFD.

In response, the San Francisco Fire Department made it clear that the shirt worn by the firefighter is not part of their official uniform and that appropriate action will be taken against the individual. The department stated that the incident violates their uniform policy and does not reflect the views and opinions of the San Francisco Fire Department. They assured the public that they have taken immediate action to address the situation.

According to witnesses, the group of firefighters, including the one wearing the controversial shirt, was seen working on a hydrant on Saturday. This caught the attention of onlookers who noticed something different about their uniforms. Images of the incident were shared on social media, further adding to the buzz surrounding the incident.

While the incident has sparked debate and controversy, it’s important to remember that the opinions expressed by individual firefighters do not necessarily represent the views of the entire San Francisco Fire Department. The department is responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of the city’s residents, and they take incidents like this seriously.

As the situation unfolds, it serves as a reminder that even public servants are entitled to their own opinions. However, it is crucial that personal beliefs and political affiliations are not displayed in a manner that could undermine public trust or compromise the professionalism expected from those in uniform.

The San Francisco Fire Department will continue to investigate the incident and take appropriate action as necessary. They remain committed to upholding their values of integrity, respect, and dedication to serving the community.