Mom assumes baby is safe with dad till she gets a hair-raising text message – she rushes home to see the worst

Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience. The responsibility of caring for another human being is immense, and we do everything in our power to keep them safe. Unfortunately, not all parents are ready for this responsibility. This is the story of Angie Setlak and her son Xavier, an unimaginable nightmare that no parent should ever have to endure.

A Rocky Start

Angie had many concerns when she was pregnant with Xavier. Her boyfriend was unfaithful, causing her a great deal of heartache. However, she tried to focus on her son and hoped for a better future for the two of them. When Xavier was born four weeks early, Angie’s life took a turn for the worse once again.

“We had a stressful pregnancy because his father was unfaithful, and it affected my blood pressure and the baby. But we made it, and he was born completely healthy,” Angie recalled. Little did she know that her boyfriend would soon prove himself incapable of being a responsible parent.

A Cry for Help

One day, Angie had to return to work for the first time since her maternity leave. She entrusted her boyfriend with the care of their son, believing he would be capable of taking care of Xavier. However, throughout the day, she was bombarded with text messages from her boyfriend, expressing how difficult it was to care for their child. “I had received text messages from Xavier’s dad all day about how hard he had it,” Angie said.

Later that day, Angie received a shocking message. Xavier’s dad asked if he could murder their child. Horrified and terrified, Angie immediately rushed home. But when she arrived, she found her son in a critical condition.

A Life-Changing Revelation

Xavier had stopped breathing and was rushed to the hospital. His dad insisted that he had choked on milk, but Angie soon discovered the terrible truth. Her boyfriend had caused severe brain damage to their son. Xavier was placed in a medically induced coma for two weeks as doctors fought to save his life.

“We fought against two things: trauma and the time he went without oxygen to the brain,” Angie shared. It was a tumultuous journey, filled with uncertainty and fear. But after 17 days in the hospital, Angie was finally able to bring her son home.

The Road to Recovery

Xavier’s dad was arrested on suspicion of child abuse. Angie learned that her boyfriend had shaken Xavier so violently that he sustained severe brain injuries. Since then, Xavier has undergone intensive treatments and has been on a path to recovery. His dad is out of his life for good, and Angie’s sole focus is on her amazing little boy.

“I hope that someone reading our story will take it to heart and realize how important it is not to shake a baby,” Angie emphasized. “No matter what, you never shake a baby. It’s so easy to avoid. A moment of anger changed my child forever.”

This heartbreaking story serves as a reminder to cherish and protect our children. Share this story to raise awareness and prevent such tragedies from happening to other innocent lives.