Some people are just born with natural business instincts. Meet Seth, an 11-year-old boy from Utah who has already started a business and left many in awe with his creative marketing strategy.

Instead of setting up a traditional lemonade stand like most kids his age, Seth came up with something different. He stood near the pavement, holding a sign that read: ‘Ice Cold Beer.’ Now, this might sound alarming to some, but Seth had a clever trick up his sleeve.

Neighbors, however, grew concerned when they saw a minor selling beer. They quickly alerted the police, who wasted no time visiting Seth’s stand. But instead of scolding him, the officers couldn’t help but break into laughter.

As it turns out, Seth was selling root beer. The word ‘root’ was written in small green letters, making it distinct from the word ‘beer.’ The members of the Brigham City Police Department were impressed by Seth’s marketing strategy and his quick thinking.

News of Seth’s brilliant sign spread like wildfire on the internet. People flooded the comments section with praises for his savvy business skills. One person wrote, “He’s savy, neat, and clean! Hardworking and thinking about what appeals to the public. He can go anywhere with that mindset! And with that community of great police officers supporting him, he’s already got mentoring!!! Love this!”

While some criticized the individual who called the police on Seth, the department had a different response. They stated, “Our citizens should never feel ashamed or embarrassed to call us. They were just calling in what they felt was a suspicious circumstance. No harm, no foul.”

In fact, the officers went a step further and bought some root beer from Seth for a dollar. They even shared his cute story, helping advertise his business.

So, let’s support Seth’s entrepreneurial spirit by sharing his story. He’s an inspiration to young business owners everywhere, showing that with a clever idea and a little support, anything is possible.