Grandmother shares a piece of wisdom using a carrot, eggs and coffee

We all need some good advice sometimes, especially when life feels tough. And who better to turn to than our grandparents for some comforting wisdom? In this widely shared Internet parable, a grandmother imparts simple yet profound words of wisdom to her granddaughter. The author behind this piece may be unknown, but the universal truth it carries resonates with everyone.

Let’s dive into the story. A young woman visits her grandmother, burdened by the hardships of her life. She feels overwhelmed and close to giving up. As she pours out her troubles, her grandmother takes her to the kitchen where the real lesson begins.

In the kitchen, the grandmother fills three pots with water and places them on a high fire. Once the water comes to a boil, she adds carrots to the first pot, eggs to the second, and ground coffee beans to the third. Without uttering a word, she allows them to boil.

After around twenty minutes, she turns off the burners. Taking out the carrots, eggs, and coffee, she asks her granddaughter, “What do you see?” The granddaughter replies, “Carrots, eggs, and coffee.”

Curious, the grandmother invites her closer. She asks her to feel the carrots, and they are soft. Then she instructs her to break an egg. As the granddaughter removes the shell, she discovers the egg has become hard-boiled. Finally, the grandmother offers her a sip of the coffee, filling the room with its rich aroma.

The granddaughter curiously asks, “What does it mean, Grandmother?” Her grandmother goes on to explain that each of these objects faced the same adversity – boiling water – but they all reacted differently.

The carrot, once strong and unyielding, turned soft and weak when subjected to the boiling water. The egg, though fragile, had a protective shell that hardened its insides after the boiling water. But the coffee beans were the most remarkable. They changed the water itself, releasing their fragrance and flavor.

Turning to her granddaughter, the grandmother asks, “Which are you? When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”

Pause and reflect. Are you the carrot that appears strong on the outside but wilts and loses strength in the face of pain and adversity? Or are you like the egg, with a malleable heart that hardens when confronted by life’s trials? Perhaps you identify with the coffee bean, able to transform the circumstances that bring pain and discover the true flavors of life.

During our own trials and darkest hours, it’s essential to ask ourselves, “Which one am I?” Do we let the challenges weaken us, harden our hearts, or do we rise above and create positive change?

This parable is something that made me reflect on my own response to challenges. Which one are you? A carrot, an egg, or coffee? Share this timeless wisdom with your loved ones and ponder the lessons it holds.