Nobody Could Have Anticipated What His Son Would Do Next. -

Michael J. Fox, the renowned actor who gained fame for his role as Marty McFly, has been candidly speaking about his acting career and his battle with Parkinson’s disease. At the age of 29, Fox was devastated by the diagnosis but instead of letting it define him, he embraced his illness as an opportunity to raise awareness.

Throughout his career, Fox continued to act and portray characters who had neurological conditions like his own. In 2004, he played an OCD physician on House and portrayed lawyer Louis Canning in The Good Wife, a character who tricked jurors by claiming to have a similar condition.

However, as Fox has gotten older, he admits that acting has become more challenging. Memorizing lines has become difficult due to his sickness. In a recent interview on the Working It Out podcast, he shared his struggles, saying, “I got this blank, I couldn’t recall the lines when I performed The Good Fight, the spinoff from The Good Wife.”

Despite these challenges, Fox remains determined and resilient. He recalls a time when he had to remember 70 pages of speech for a Brian De Palma film, knowing that a pricey Steadicam shot depended on his ability to flawlessly deliver the lines. He accepted the challenge and succeeded, proving to himself and others that he is still capable.

However, Fox now chooses to reject parts with extensive dialogue, acknowledging his limitations and prioritizing his well-being. He understands that he can’t change his condition, but he can make choices that work best for him.

In addition to his battle with Parkinson’s disease, Fox has faced other health issues, such as spinal cord problems. He underwent spinal cord surgery years ago and has since undergone extensive physical therapy to regain his strength. He admits that accidents can happen, like the time he tripped and fell in his kitchen, resulting in a disastrous injury.

But through it all, Fox maintains a positive attitude. In his fourth autobiography, he wrote, “My guitar playing is no good. All of my acting, dancing, and sketching are terrible. I’m writing now. Thankfully, it’s enjoyable.” He focuses on the things he can still do and finds joy in them.

Beyond his own personal struggles, Fox has dedicated himself to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease. He established the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, which has raised over $1 billion to fund research efforts. His optimistic outlook and gratitude for life have become driving forces in his quest for a cure.

At the age of 60, Fox continues to inspire others with his resilience and determination. Despite the challenges he faces every day, he finds reasons to be grateful and enjoys his life with his wife and children. Parkinson’s may affect his life, but it doesn’t define who he is.

Recently, there was a reunion between Fox and Christopher Lloyd, his co-star from the beloved film series Back to the Future. The media attention surrounding their reunion reminded us of the early days when Fox was chosen to play Marty McFly. Back then, Back to the Future was not well-known, and the decision to replace the previous actor with Fox came as a surprise.

On a recent panel, Lloyd discussed the chemistry they had from the very first scene and how it continued throughout the three films. Their connection and friendship have stood the test of time.

Despite his challenges, Fox embraces his Parkinson’s diagnosis as a gift. While some might see it as a burden, he sees it as an opportunity to spread awareness and make a difference. Even during appearances at events like New York Comic Con, where his symptoms are evident, the audience cheers him on, showing their support and admiration.

Fox is a tough person, but like anyone, he has moments when criticism gets to him. He recalls an incident where he responded to an insult on the internet. Thankfully, his son, Sam, gave him some advice – “SMH,” which stands for “shaking my head.” With his son’s encouragement, Fox found humor in the situation and laughed off the comment.

Even someone as kindhearted and optimistic as Michael J. Fox has his limits. However, he is grateful to have his children to push him to keep going. They provide the strength and motivation for him to rise above the negativity and focus on the positive.

Michael J. Fox’s journey with Parkinson’s disease is a testament to his resilience, determination, and ability to find joy in life’s challenges. Despite his struggles, he continues to inspire and advocate for a world without Parkinson’s.