Her husband was abusive, so she took her children and ran away from home - Pano Perspectives

They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Easier said than done, right? But here’s the truth: with determination and hard work, nothing is impossible.

Meet Cara Brookins, a brave mom of five who found herself trapped in an abusive marriage. Knowing that she had to save her children from a toxic environment, she made a bold decision: she left her husband and built a brand new home from scratch. And the most incredible part? Cara did it all on her own.

The Impossible Dream

In 2007, Cara, who worked as a computer programmer analyst, realized that she couldn’t afford a home comfortable enough for her and her children. So she came up with a daring idea: to build their dream home from the ground up.

“At the time, it felt like if anyone were in our situation, they would do this,” Cara said. “No one else saw it like this, and in retrospect, I realize it sounds insane.”

From Plans to Reality

Cara purchased a one-acre plot of land for $20,000 and secured a construction loan of approximately $150,000. With her oldest child, Drew, helping with the plans and her 11-year-old daughter, Jada, using buckets to fetch water from a neighbor’s pond, the Brookins family embarked on their journey.

Every day after school, the kids would rush to the construction site, eagerly assisting their mom in building their future. For the more challenging tasks, Cara hired a part-time firefighter with building experience. Together, they forged ahead, step by step, determined to create a safe haven.

On March 31, 2009, Cara and her children finally moved into their new home, which they lovingly named “Inkwell Manor” after Cara’s dream of becoming a writer.

Empowerment Through Adversity

Building her own shelter was not the path Cara envisioned, but it became her saving grace. “We were mortified that building our own shelter was our best alternative,” she admitted. “But it turned out to be the most beneficial thing I could have done for myself.”

Cara’s message is powerful: “If I, a 110-pound computer programmer, can build an entire house, you can do anything you set your mind to.” She believes that by setting a clear goal, taking small steps towards it, and inviting others who need healing on the journey, true power can be found.

So remember, no matter what life throws your way, there’s always a way to turn it around. Just like Cara, you have the strength within you to build a brighter future.