Xueli Abbing

Every Child Deserves Love and Care

Children rely on their parents for love, protection, and support to thrive and grow. But sadly, not every child is fortunate enough to have a loving and nurturing family. Xueli Abbing, a 16-year-old girl born in China, was abandoned by her parents at an orphanage because they thought she looked “weird.” This heart-wrenching act left a lasting impact on Xueli’s life.

Embracing Her Unique Beauty

Xueli was born with a genetic condition called albinism. This condition affects the production of melanin in her skin, hair, and eyes, resulting in a lighter or non-existent color. Despite facing discrimination and prejudice due to her race and appearance, Xueli’s resilience and determination shined through.

From Orphanage to the Runway

Fortunately, Xueli found love and care when she was adopted by a wonderful Dutch family. At the age of 11, an opportunity came knocking on her door. A fashion designer in Hong Kong approached her to model for a photo session celebrating different forms of beauty. This incredible experience sparked her passion for the world of fashion.

Challenging Stereotypes

Xueli named the campaign “Perfect Imperfections,” embracing and celebrating her unique features. However, she also became aware of the stereotypical roles often assigned to models with albinism. Being portrayed as angels or ghosts saddened her. She wanted to change the narrative and show the world that albinism is not a curse but a genetic condition.

Gracing the Pages of Vogue

Xueli’s determination caught the attention of a London-based photographer who believed in her potential. Through their collaboration, she landed a feature in the prestigious June 2019 issue of Vogue Italia. Reflecting on this achievement, Xueli admits that she initially didn’t grasp the significance of being in such a renowned magazine. But as she witnessed the excitement it generated, she understood the impact she was making.

Redefining Beauty Standards

While strides have been made to include more diversity in the media, Xueli believes that it should be the norm. She emphasizes the importance of inner beauty and seeing people beyond their physical appearance. Her goal is to shift perceptions and create a world where albinism is understood as a genetic disorder, not a defining characteristic.

Changing the World

Xueli is determined to make a difference and fight against the discrimination faced by individuals with albinism. She refuses to accept that children with albinism are being murdered due to misguided beliefs about their bones having medicinal value. She strives to change the world’s perception and ensure that every person with albinism is treated with respect and dignity.

Join Her Inspiring Journey

Let us rally behind Xueli as she continues to defy stereotypes and inspire others through her journey. Share her story to raise awareness and promote inclusivity. Together, we can make a difference and create a world where everyone is celebrated for their unique beauty.