10-Year-Old Boy Raises More Than $315,000 to Provide Bulletproof Vests for Police Dogs

Ensuring kindness towards animals is the least we can do as inhabitants of this planet. Thankfully, there are animal heroes worldwide who are dedicated to protecting and improving the lives of our furry friends. These heroes deserve recognition and praise for the significant difference they make.

Meet Brady Snakovsky, a 10-year-old hero from Strongsville, Ohio. Two years ago, Brady discovered that police dogs did not receive the same protection as their human counterparts. This revelation bothered him deeply.

Brady and His First Four Vests for Ohio State Troopers

While watching an episode of Live PD with his mom, Leah Tornabene, Brady noticed that police K-9s sometimes faced dangerous situations without the proper level of protection. Determined to make a difference, he took immediate action. Brady started a GoFundMe page to raise donations for buying bulletproof vests for the courageous police dogs.

In February 2018, Brady had collected enough money to purchase four vests for the Ohio State Troopers. This was just the beginning of his journey.

Brady with Some of the Vests Provided by Brady's K9 Fund

Brady tackled his mission head-on. He reached out to local congressmen, seeking assistance, and spread the word about his cause to gain more support. As a result, Brady’s K9 Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds for protective vests for police and military dogs, was born.

Today, Brady’s K9 Fund has supplied 257 dogs with bulletproof vests and raised a staggering total of $315,000.

Leah, Brady’s mom, expressed her pride, saying, “I was quite surprised that a child at age eight could recognize that there was an issue there, and that he could find a solution to fix that problem. It made me very proud to see him doing this.”

Brady with One of the Police Dogs He Helps Protect

Not only is Brady making an impact at a young age, but he also has his sights set on the future. He aspires to become a police officer like his stepfather, dedicating his life to protecting others and ensuring their safety.

When asked about his motivation, Brady simply said, “I like seeing the smile on the handler’s face.”

Brady, you are a true animal hero. Your dedication and passion are truly inspiring. Thank you for your remarkable work!