Hollywood has undergone significant changes over the years, and it’s not only us who have noticed. Actor Kevin Sorbo, known for his role as Hercules in the 1995 movie, recently spoke out about the transformation happening within the American film industry. At 65 years old, Sorbo believes there has been an ongoing campaign against traditional masculinity for the past two decades.

In an article titled “Let’s Make Hollywood Manly Again,” Sorbo expressed his dissatisfaction with the prevailing narrative. He argues that everywhere we look, bold and self-assured female characters overshadow passive male characters who fade into the background, becoming the butt of every joke. Sorbo feels that fathers, in particular, have been portrayed as useless idiots, contributing nothing to their families or communities.

While some argue that superhero movies have featured plenty of manly characters in recent years, Sorbo disagrees. He believes that today’s society misunderstands masculinity and that we should be looking for on-screen heroes whom we would want our sons to emulate and our daughters to date.

Sorbo also takes issue with the normalization of androgynous figures like Billy Porter and criticizes British GQ’s best-dressed actor, Timothée Chalamet, for his unconventional outfits. He further expresses transphobic views, which many find problematic.

Moreover, Sorbo suggests that men face challenges in today’s society due to addictions to substances, video games, pornography, and other forms of entertainment. While he doesn’t cite specific evidence, he believes that men need to step up as warriors, protectors, responsible fathers, and providers for their families. However, he argues that achieving these roles is impossible when they are dissipated and addicted to pleasure.

According to Sorbo, Hollywood should be providing more role models and heroes for boys, inspiring them to be strong and responsible individuals. However, not everyone has responded positively to his statements, with many believing his views are outdated and out of touch with the modern world.

As with any controversial opinions, there is room for debate, and it will be interesting to see how this discussion unfolds.