Being a parent means always wanting to protect your child and keep them safe. It’s especially difficult when your child falls ill and you feel helpless. This was the heartbreaking reality for Magalli Jimenez, whose 2-year-old daughter, Ava Skye, battled a severe illness.
Ava had a wonderful first year, but when she turned 13 months old, her health took a turn for the worse. Concerned, Magalli took her to the doctor, only to receive devastating news. Ava Skye had a form of cancer that stunted her growth and caused her tremendous discomfort.

Magalli knew she had to be resilient for her daughter and agreed to the doctor’s plan for treatment. She held onto hope that chemotherapy would help Ava Skye recover. After enduring numerous rounds of treatment and check-ups, Skye was declared to be in remission. The entire family rejoiced. Unfortunately, their joy was short-lived.

In July 2022, Skye’s cancer returned, leading to yet another difficult journey. The doctors informed the family that the cancer was unresponsive to treatment, leaving surgery as the only option. However, given Skye’s young age, the prognosis was bleak, and the operation seemed unlikely to succeed.

The news weighed heavily on the family. Magalli knew that she had limited time left with her precious baby. Witnessing her daughter’s transformation from a healthy toddler to a frail child who struggled to walk and speak was heartbreaking. In the face of adversity, Magalli made the tough decision to place Skye in hospice care. This way, they could ensure her remaining days were as comfortable as possible. Although Magalli sometimes sought solace in moments of solitude to shed tears, she always made an effort to smile and share laughter with Skye.

“We decided to let Skye savor her life and do all the things we’ve ever dreamed of doing with her. We even created a special list of experiences for her,” shared Jimenez.

Jimenez’s friend, Davina Galvan, who also had a child with cancer, started a GoFundMe page to raise $5,000 for the family. The goal was to ensure that Magalli had enough funds to fulfill everything on Skye’s list.

Tragically, on August 22, 2022, Skye passed away with her mother at her side. Magalli held her daughter close, feeling the sorrow but also finding solace in knowing that Skye was no longer in pain.

Just one day prior to Skye’s passing, despite her weakened state, she mustered the strength to sing her favorite song to her mother, locking eyes with her. The song went, “I love you. You love me. We are a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss kiss. Won’t you say you love me too?” In this poignant moment, her mother captured a video that she later shared on social media, allowing everyone to witness Skye’s beautiful soul and the comfort she brought her mom during her final hours.

“My heart will always carry sadness, and life will never be the same. But I made a promise to my daughter that I will keep living for her. Remember to embrace your children a little tighter today, even when they drive you crazy,” said Jimenez.

Magalli spoke about the immense void she feels without her daughter and how she would give anything to embrace her again. Let’s keep Skye’s family in our thoughts as they navigate through this incredibly challenging period. Share this heartwarming story to celebrate and remember the sweet and remarkable soul Skye was during her time with us.