Elton John, the legendary singer and close friend of the late Michael Jackson, has opened up about his observations on Jackson’s fame and its impact on his mental health. In his recently released memoir, Elton John describes his experience of being around Jackson as “disturbing.” He recalls their early friendship when Jackson was just a 13-year-old, describing him as “the most charming youngster you could imagine.”

However, as Jackson’s fame soared, Elton John noticed a significant change in him. He compares Jackson’s withdrawal from reality and the outside world to that of Elvis Presley, concluding that he had become mentally ill. Elton John admits that he never fully understood what was going on in Jackson’s mind or why he relied so heavily on medication.

Recent revelations have shed more light on Jackson’s struggles. Elton John recounts an incident at one of his parties where a lost Jackson was found playing with the housekeeper’s son. It was clear that Jackson felt uncomfortable in the company of adults for unknown reasons.

In his memoir, Elton John also delves into his own personal life, discussing his complex relationship with his late mother, Sheila Farebrother. He candidly admits to having a challenging upbringing and reflects on how his mother’s disapproval of his husband, David Furnish, strained their relationship. Despite her disapproval, Elton John emphasizes that their children, eight-year-old Zachary and six-year-old Elijah, have never been denied access to their grandmother.

Looking back, Elton John believes it was for the best that his children did not have a close relationship with their grandmother. He acknowledges that they would have likely faced the same criticism and rejection that he experienced.