On December 6, Frank Caprio, the renowned judge and actor from Caught in Providence, shared a heartfelt video on social media, revealing his battle with cancer. The 87-year-old, who recently retired, bravely disclosed that he has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a particularly challenging form of the disease.

In the video, Caprio began by mentioning his recent birthday, emphasizing that this celebration holds a different significance. He candidly shared, “Quite recently, I wasn’t feeling well and underwent a medical examination. Unfortunately, the results were not favorable.”

Currently, Caprio is undergoing treatment both in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Feeling the love and support of his dedicated fan base, he humbly asked his followers to keep him in their thoughts and prayers.

One question that he often receives is, “What can I do for you?” Acknowledging the genuine kindness of his friends and fans, Caprio expressed his deep gratitude. However, he requested that, in their own unique way, they pray for him during this challenging time. Alongside the medical care he is receiving, Caprio firmly believes in the power of prayer, viewing it as a vital tool to guide him through this journey.

In 1985, Caprio received an appointment as a Judge in the Providence Municipal Court. He gained recognition through the television broadcast of his cases, captivating audiences in the local area of Providence, Rhode Island.

Caprio’s warmth and compassion have endeared him to countless individuals over the years. Now, as he faces his battle with cancer, his loyal fans are rallying around him, offering prayers and well wishes. Let us all join together in sending our love and support to Frank Caprio as he courageously fights his way to recovery.