Eyewitnesses were left stunned as celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay threw Whoopi Goldberg out of his restaurant in a shocking incident. With Ramsay reportedly in a sour mood from the start of the evening, tension escalated as he glared at Goldberg upon her arrival and muttered something rude under his breath.

Things took a heated turn when Goldberg and her group were seated at their table. Ramsay audaciously approached them and demanded to see their IDs. Perplexed, Goldberg questioned the need for their identification. However, Ramsay quickly snapped, “Because I don’t want any underage diners in my restaurant.”

Naturally offended by the remark, Goldberg requested to speak with the manager. Unfortunately, Ramsay was in no mood to diffuse the situation. Witnesses reveal that he forcefully grabbed Goldberg’s arm and escorted her out of the premises, showering her with a torrent of offensive language. Despite efforts from Goldberg’s entourage to mediate, Ramsay remained stubborn and irrational.

Shockingly, Ramsay defended his outrageous actions in a press statement, asserting his right to refuse service to anyone. He shamelessly referred to Goldberg as a “has-been actress” who hasn’t been relevant in years and declared that he didn’t want her in his restaurant, as it could potentially ruin the atmosphere.

This incident has sparked a wave of outrage on social media, with numerous individuals calling for a boycott of Ramsay’s restaurants. Meanwhile, Goldberg has chosen to remain silent, although sources close to her indicate that she is contemplating legal action against Ramsay.

Despite the backlash, Ramsay seems to be reveling in the attention. He has taken to social media, sharing pictures of himself alongside other celebrities such as Martha Stewart and Shaquille O’Neal, with captions like “No has-beens allowed!” It remains uncertain whether Ramsay is genuinely serious or simply attempting to gain even more publicity for himself. Regardless, it is evident that his ego remains as inflated as ever.