In a surprising turn of events, Pittsburgh Steelers’ coach Mike Tomlin has taken action, following through on his earlier warnings. It appears that two players who knelt during the national anthem have been let go from the team. But wait, there’s a twist. Rumor has it that Tomlin is considering replacing them with… llamas. Yes, you read that correctly: llamas.

The Steelers’ star players, whose names are being kept under wraps to protect them from the inevitable llama memes, took a knee during the national anthem as a peaceful protest against social injustice. Tomlin’s response? In a post-game press conference, he simply shrugged with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, stating, “I did warn them.”

But here’s where things get even more interesting. Enter Larry and Lulu, two llamas known for their agility and moves. These llamas have been invited by Tomlin to try out for the team as a lighthearted way to diffuse tensions and bring some levity to the situation.

“It’s all about agility, whether you’ve got two legs or four,” Tomlin joked.

The players’ reactions to this unexpected turn of events were mixed. JuJu Smith-Schuster reportedly commented, “Larry’s got some serious skills for a llama. I wouldn’t mind having him on the team, to be honest.” Others were a bit more skeptical, with one lineman grumbling, “If Larry tries to eat my playbook, I swear…”

Interestingly, the Steelers’ nutritionist seems to be on board with the llama idea. “Think of the savings! Just some hay and water for our new rookie players,” they remarked.

As expected, Steelers’ fans wasted no time in embracing the llama madness. “Llama Time” t-shirts flew off the shelves within hours. Fans can now be seen doing the “llama dance” in the stands, a quirky jig involving a lot of neck bobbing.

One dedicated fan even said, “Hey, if Larry and Lulu can help us reach the Super Bowl, count me in. I might even offer a goat as a kicker.”

While the NFL has seen its fair share of controversies, llamas are definitely uncharted territory. A league representative commented, “As long as they pass the required physicals and don’t spit at the referees, we might consider it.”

While the debate around kneeling during the national anthem rages on, it’s hard not to wonder about Larry and Lulu’s stance (or lack thereof). Will they graze? Will they stand stoically? Only time will tell. In the meantime, local farmers are on high alert, as the idea of cows playing cornerback or pigs punting might not be far off.

In the whirlwind of NFL debates and dramas, Tomlin has inadvertently given fans and players a reason to laugh, discuss, and perhaps reflect on the bigger issues at hand. While the idea of llamas in the locker room may be nothing more than a fleeting fantasy, it serves as a gentle reminder of football’s power: to entertain, to bring people together, and sometimes, to leave us all scratching our heads in amused wonder.