Australian actress Nicole Kidman and her husband, musician Keith Urban, are not strangers to owning multiple properties. They have homes in Nashville, Los Angeles, New York, and Sydney. However, it was their purchase of an Australian farmhouse that became a significant part of their family’s story.

In 2008, the couple bought the farmhouse for an astounding $4.5 million, just as their first daughter was born. Over the years, they split their time between Nashville and Australia, creating lasting memories in this serene setting.

Keith Urban sees meeting Nicole Kidman and marrying her as a new chapter in his life rather than a turning point. Together, they have built a life that is remarkably private and free from controversy. And although they prefer to keep their personal life under wraps, Nicole Kidman proudly showed off their Bunya Hill farmhouse seven years after its purchase.

As you step inside, you are greeted by a formal living room adorned with a grand piano and a cozy fireplace. The room’s white and creme paint job beautifully contrasts the darker areas outside. It’s a perfect space for the family to unwind and spend quality time together.

Moving to the dining area, you’ll find a spacious room featuring another fireplace and a large hardwood table that can comfortably seat eight people. In one corner, there’s a plastic play set for their two children, a reminder that even Hollywood stars embrace the joys of family life.

Behind the farmhouse, there’s a hen house and a charming cottage for overnight visitors. This is where you’ll find a simpler kitchen, which Nicole Kidman happily uses. She was even spotted gathering fresh eggs from her chicken coop during a farmhouse tour. The property also boasts a generous orchard, as well as six alpacas and black Angus cows, adding to the farm’s idyllic charm.

To enhance their living experience, Kidman and Urban added a gymnasium, an 18-meter swimming pool, and a full-size tennis court. They also installed grass-covered mounds along the roadside boundary to deter paparazzi cameras and maintain their privacy.

This Australian farmhouse serves as an oasis for the family, allowing them to escape the glitz of Hollywood and embrace a more laid-back atmosphere. Nicole Kidman cherishes the calmness, simplicity, and fresh air that farm life offers, making it one of her favorite aspects of living on Bunya Hill.

Experience the beauty of this remarkable property where love, family, and nature converge. The Bunya Hill farmhouse is a testament to Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban’s commitment to creating a life of tranquility and joy amidst their bustling careers.