The portrayal of masculinity in Hollywood has undergone significant changes over the past two decades, leaving 65-year-old actor Kevin Sorbo concerned. Known for his role as Hercules in the 1995 movie, Sorbo believes that an anti-man campaign has taken hold in the American film industry, altering the way masculinity is depicted.

Sorbo recently expressed his views in an article titled “Let’s Make Hollywood Manly Again.” In it, he criticizes the trend of passive male characters fading into the background while confident, self-assured females take the forefront. Sorbo argues that fathers have become targets of mockery, portrayed as useless idiots who contribute nothing to their families or communities.

While some argue that recent superhero movies feature manly characters, Sorbo disagrees. He believes that society has a skewed understanding of masculinity, and it’s important to find male role models on screen that people would want their sons to emulate and their daughters to date.

Furthermore, Sorbo criticizes the normalization of androgynous men and takes aim at actor Timothée Chalamet’s fashion choices. He suggests that men today face issues related to alcohol, drugs, video games, pornography, and entertainment addiction, although he doesn’t provide concrete evidence for his claims.

Sorbo emphasizes the importance of responsible and committed fathers who can raise their children, defend their homes, provide for their families, and serve self-sacrificially. According to him, Hollywood should portray heroes for boys who embody these qualities.

Sorbo’s statements have generated controversy, with some finding them over the top and not reflective of current societal attitudes. The debate surrounding these issues continues, as Hollywood grapples with the evolving definition of masculinity.