How A Little Girl Inspired a Movement to End Child Abuse

Elliot Costello’s journey through Cambodia took an unexpected turn when he met a girl named Thea. Little did he know that this encounter would deeply impact him and drive him to take a stand against the sexual abuse of minors. Thea, whose nails were painted every day, innocently asked Elliot to paint one of his own nails while they were talking. Unbeknownst to him, Thea had experienced sexual assault.

Moved by her story, Elliot made a promise to Thea that he would always keep that painted nail as a reminder of her and the suffering she had endured. This poignant moment sparked an idea in Elliot’s mind – a movement that would challenge men’s attitudes and work towards reducing the number of children who fall victim to sexual abuse.

Thus, the #PolishedMan movement was born. Men all over the world join this movement by painting one of their nails. This single nail symbolizes the one in five children who will experience sexual assault. The mission of Polished Man is clear: to bring an end to sexual violence against children. By encouraging men to challenge violent behavior and language, both locally and globally, the movement aims to create a safer society for our most vulnerable.

Sexual abuse of children is a grave issue that often goes unaddressed. According to Elliot, 96% of such violence against children is committed by men. Therefore, men must take the lead in bringing about reform if we ever hope to eradicate the abuse of defenseless children.

The painted nail serves as more than just a visual reminder of the problem; it sparks conversations about the prevalence of child abuse and inspires fresh preventive strategies. Furthermore, it encourages people to donate and support educational programs and resources for child survivors of abuse.

We call upon all men, including those in the public eye, to support this cause. By painting a single nail, you can raise awareness and contribute to building a world where children are safe from harm.

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