Jamie Lee Curtis is a well-known actress who has made a name for herself in the world of film. But there’s something else that she’s incredibly proud of – her sobriety. In a recent interview on Morning Joe, Curtis opened up about her history with opioid addiction and revealed that she has been clean for an impressive 24 years.

During the interview, Curtis reflected on some of the darkest moments of her life, admitting that they went unnoticed by others. She considers herself lucky that she didn’t make terrible decisions while under the influence that she would later regret. Curtis highlighted the fact that there are many women in prison whose lives have been shattered by addiction, emphasizing that it is not a reflection of their character, but rather a consequence of their struggles.

Being sober has opened up new perspectives for Curtis. She acknowledges that she was once an opiate addict who enjoyed the “opiate buzz.” She also recognizes that if fentanyl, a dangerous opioid, had been as readily available back then as it is today, she may not have survived. Curtis made the life-changing decision to turn her life around in 1999, leaving behind a double life of stealing and scheming that her family and friends were unaware of.

For Curtis, her journey to living a drug-free life is her greatest achievement. She sees it as the key to her freedom – the freedom to be her true self without constantly seeking validation in the mirror. Breaking the cycle of addiction that has affected generations in her family has been her driving force.

Jamie Lee Curtis is no stranger to the devastating effects of addiction. Her father, Tony Curtis, battled alcohol and drug addiction throughout his life, and her brother, Nicholas, tragically lost his life to a heroin overdose at the young age of 21. Curtis considers getting sober to be her single greatest accomplishment, surpassing any personal or professional success she has achieved.

Jamie Lee Curtis is a true inspiration. Her bravery in opening up about her past struggles with addiction and her journey to sobriety serves as a reminder that it is never too late to turn your life around. Let us celebrate Curtis’ triumph and use her story as a source of hope and inspiration for ourselves and our loved ones.