Sam Neill calls Robin Williams the "funniest" but "saddest person I ever met"

The world lost a true treasure on the day that Robin Williams died. He was a beloved comedian and entertainer who left an irreplaceable void in the entertainment industry. It’s hard to believe that it has been almost a decade since his passing.

While the world knew Robin Williams for his infectious laughter and comedic genius, there was a side to him that few knew about. In his memoir, “Did I Ever Tell You This?”, fellow actor Sam Neill described Williams as the “funniest” but “saddest” person he had ever met.

During their time working together on the film “Bicentennial Man”, Neill developed a close friendship with Williams. They would often have conversations about various topics, including their work. Williams was described as irresistibly funny, but Neill also saw the pain that lay beneath his comedic facade.

“He had fame, he was rich, people loved him, great kids—the world was his oyster. And yet I felt more sorry for him than I can express. He was the loneliest man on a lonely planet,” Neill wrote.

Williams battled personal demons and struggled with depression. As it turns out, his diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease was actually a misdiagnosis. After his death, it was revealed that he had been suffering from Lewy body dementia, a devastating illness that attacks the brain.

Susan Schneider Williams, who married Robin in 2011, spoke about his condition, describing it as a disease for which there is no cure. She shared, “Nearly every region of his brain was under attack. He experienced himself disintegrating.”

Robin Williams was not just a talented comedian, he was also an incredibly inspiring individual. His struggles remind us that even those who bring laughter to others can carry deep pain within. Let us remember him for the joy he brought into our lives and the legacy he left behind.

Robin Williams

My heart breaks anew every time I hear stories about Robin Williams and his struggles. A great man and a fantastically inspiring individual. Were you a Robin Williams fan? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Share this article on Facebook if you found it interesting.