Getting older is a natural part of life that we all go through. Wrinkles and sagging skin are things that happen to everyone as they age, even to supermodels! One former supermodel, Paulina Porizkova, still poses in bikinis and shares pictures of herself doing so. But when she posted these pictures, she faced harsh criticism. Let’s dive into Paulina’s story and discover how she responded to her critics.

Paulina Porizkova – A True Supermodel

Born in 1965, Paulina Porizkova started her modeling career just 15 years later. She graced the covers of top magazines and made a name for herself in the modeling world. Beyond magazines, she appeared in films, TV shows, and music videos. As she aged, Paulina became known for her candidness about aging, grief, loss, and more.

Paulina Porizkova

Standing Strong at 57

Despite the criticism, Paulina, now 57 years old with over 40 years of modeling experience, continues to embrace her passion. She still poses in bikinis and proudly shares pictures of herself. In response to the criticism, she says, “I am a 57-year-old woman, and it seems that when you reach middle age, society expects you to stop showing up in bikinis.” Porizkova often talks about the criticism she faces as a model in her age group. People have called her “a desperate grandma” or said she is “too old to be doing this.” However, she never lets it get to her and confidently stands up for herself.

Love, Loss, and Growth

Paulina was previously married to Ric Ocasek, the late frontman of The Cars. They were together for 28 years and experienced many ups and downs. After his passing, Paulina shared that in the months leading up to his death, they had grown distant. She realized that they were sharing less and less, communicating less, and eventually, he stopped desiring her. At the time, she doubted herself, thinking, “Maybe he doesn’t fancy me because I’m getting older.” Despite the challenges, she cherishes the memories of their time together.

Paulina and Ric Ocasek

Embracing Natural Beauty

Now, Paulina is a passionate advocate for women embracing their age and resisting the pressure to undergo surgical procedures to reverse the signs of aging. She hopes more women will accept and celebrate their aging bodies, choosing to be unaltered. Paulina believes that her face, at 57, tells the story of her life like a captivating novel. She always speaks positively about her aging face, stating, “What I like about my face now at 57 is that it’s like a really good novel of the history of my life — it’s all written into my face.” She urges women, both young and old, to appreciate the beauty of the natural aging process and hopes that more will join her in proudly displaying their accomplishments at any age.

A True Inspiration

Paulina Porizkova is undeniably beautiful, even at 57. Her story serves as an inspiration to all of us, reminding us to embrace our age and value the journey that led us to where we are today. Share this inspiring piece with others and see what they think about her empowering ideas about aging!