Imagine taking your dog out for a late-night walk and suddenly being confronted with the most bone-chilling sound you’ve ever heard. That’s exactly what happened to one unsuspecting pet owner, and the terrifying moment was captured on a doorbell camera.

In the video, we see the person and their dog peacefully enjoying the darkness around a pool area. The owner’s phone torch lights their way as they watch over their furry companion. But then, out of nowhere, a blood-curdling scream pierces the silence, sending both dog and owner running for safety.

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact source of the sound, but it resembles a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. Social media users were left unnerved by the spooky footage, and theories began to emerge to explain this bone-chilling phenomenon.

Some believe the sound could have come from an Aztec Death Whistle – a haunting instrument with a history rooted in ancient Mexico. These whistles were first discovered in 1999 by archaeologists excavating an Aztec temple in Mexico City. They were found in the hands of a skeleton, but their purpose still remains a topic of debate.

According to tech expert James J. Orgill, the sound produced by the Aztec Death Whistle strikes fear into the hearts of those who hear it. Initially thought to be just a toy, it wasn’t until someone blew into the whistle’s hole 15 years later that its terrifying scream was unleashed on the world.

While the purpose of the Aztec Death Whistle is still unknown, there are theories that suggest it may have been used by warriors in battle or during ceremonial rituals. Music archaeologist Arnd Adje Both attempted to replicate the sound of the whistle and found that it was more subdued than expected, resembling the atmospheric noise of wind.

So, what was that bone-chilling scream caught on camera? Although it may sound similar to the Aztec Death Whistle, it’s more likely to have been an animal. Still, the video serves as a reminder that the night can hold unexpected surprises, even for the bravest among us.

Remember to stay alert, and maybe keep the lights on during your late-night adventures.