Bette Midler, the talented actor and singer, has joined the chorus of voices expressing their frustration over the recent Supreme Court decision to ban abortions in many US states. In a tweet, she pointed out the apparent hypocrisy of the ruling and suggested that if the court is following “God’s will,” they should also consider banning Viagra, since having a “limp dick” could also be seen as “God’s will.”

The tweet quickly gained traction, with over 35K retweets and 244K likes. Many users agreed with Midler’s bold idea, stating that it made logical sense. However, there were also some who disagreed, highlighting the importance of Viagra as a vital medication for people with heart and respiratory issues.

This is not the first time Midler has used her platform to express her views on this topic. Shortly after the Roe v Wade decision was announced, she tweeted her outrage and called on America to wake up to the reality of the situation.

Midler has been making headlines recently for the much-anticipated sequel to the 1993 Halloween classic, Hocus Pocus. As fans eagerly await the return of the Sanderson Sisters, Midler took another opportunity to address the Roe v Wade reversal, showing her commitment to the cause.

While not everyone may agree with her views, Midler’s outspokenness brings attention to the issue and encourages a conversation about reproductive rights. With her wit and charm, she engages her followers and prompts them to think critically about the implications of the recent Supreme Court ruling.