He made a house of only 89 squares, but wait until you see the inside

Luke Thiull, a 13-year-old from Iowa, is not your typical teenager. While most kids his age are busy with smartphones and gaming, Luke had a different passion – building his own house. With determination and hard work, Luke created his little paradise in his parents’ backyard. The project cost him around $1,500 USD, but it’s a dream come true. Let’s take a look inside!

Luke's Dream House

It’s truly incredible to see what this young teenager has accomplished. In a world dominated by technology, Luke chose a more traditional route. He chronicled his journey on his YouTube channel, sharing his desire to build a small house and how his boredom inspired him to take on this project. After careful thought and research, Luke had a clear vision of his dream house.

Luke's Research

It took Luke about a year to gather the funds and materials for his project. He mowed lawns, conducted online fundraisers, and took on odd jobs to raise money. Luke also had the help of a friend who was knowledgeable about electrics, trading his assistance with installing electricity for Luke’s help in clearing out his garage. Luke made sure to use about 75% recycled materials, including items from his grandma’s house and a front door gifted by a family friend.

The little house measures about 89 square feet, with a length of 10 feet and a width of 5 ½ feet. While it does have electricity, it doesn’t have plumbing yet, so there’s no toilet, sink, or shower. But for Luke, this minimalistic approach was exactly what he wanted. He didn’t want to be burdened with a huge mortgage.

Luke's Dream House

Luke documented his journey through short videos on YouTube, sharing his progress and motivation behind the project. His story has captivated many, inspiring others to believe in what is possible. Luke received support from his parents, both in terms of assistance with construction and financial backing, but his father, Greg, made sure that Luke took responsibility for most of the expenses.

Luke's Dream House

Greg shared his perspective on the project, saying, “It was a chance for a kid to do something more than play video games or sports. It teaches life lessons.” For Luke, this house is more than just a structure; it’s his sanctuary. Complete with a microwave, TV, and a loft with a bed, it’s the perfect place for him to relax and have his own space. He even has a barbecue in the backyard! After finishing his homework, Luke enjoys spending his evenings in his little house, sometimes even sleeping there.

Luke's Dream House

Luke already has big dreams and ideas for another house. This time, he wants to build a slightly bigger one for when he starts college. He also hopes to inspire other kids who may have similar aspirations. Luke wants to show them that it’s possible to achieve their goals, no matter their age.

Luke’s story is truly inspirational. It’s a testament to what a clear goal, hard work, and support can accomplish. Share and like this article if you believe more people should hear about Luke’s awesome little house!