“Anyone know what this could be? I have found two piles of these … in my daughters’ room.”

Facebook, the original social media platform for setting up friendly communal groups, has a wide range of topics, including groups for cleaning and homemaking. In one such group called “Homemaking Tips,” a member named Kelli Tarin posted a peculiar image that caused quite a stir among the group members.

On August 10th, Tarin shared an image of a mysterious pile she discovered in her daughter’s room. She was concerned and reached out to the group for help in identifying what it could possibly be. She had found two similar piles that she diligently cleaned every day. The fact that they were found in her daughter’s room raised alarm bells, and she urgently needed to know if it was something dangerous. Tarin described the piles as having a texture similar to shells but appearing like coffee grounds or ant beds.

The post attracted a lot of attention and went viral within the group. More than 9000 comments and over 440,000 reactions poured in. However, despite the immense response, no one could definitively identify the mysterious piles. Numerous suggestions were put forward, ranging from ants to mice excrement to termite debris. Tarin decided to consult professionals for help, but even they couldn’t provide a definitive answer. This was a unique mystery that stumped everyone!

The mysterious pile of unidentified pellets found.

Tarin updated the group, sharing that she had taken precautions to ensure her daughter’s safety. She made sure her daughter slept with her father until the mystery was solved. Tarin ruled out termites because their droppings didn’t match the pile’s appearance, and she hadn’t seen any live roaches inside the house. She was familiar with mice droppings from her childhood spent on a farm, and the unidentified piles did not resemble them either. One far-fetched suggestion was bats, but considering her location in West Texas, it was highly unlikely.

After thoroughly cleaning the house daily, Tarin observed that the piles only formed in her daughter’s room, taking no more than two days to reappear. She contacted the landlords to investigate further. Despite the lack of a conclusive answer, Tarin expressed her gratitude to the group members for their support, which helped lighten the anxiety of the situation.

The identity of the mysterious pile

Ultimately, the solution to the mystery turned out to be unexpected. A comment on the post suggested that a lavender bear belonging to one of Tarin’s kids might have burst, releasing its contents. This jogged Tarin’s memory, and she recalled that there was a pile of toys, including a lavender blush bear, on top of the mysterious pile. Assuming it was infested, she had thrown it away. When Tarin retrieved the discarded bear and examined it, she discovered that it had a hole inside. To her surprise, the stuff inside the bear matched the mysterious pile exactly! It was an unusual ending to a perplexing case.

Keep Reading: Can You Identify This “Mystery” Tool?


  • “Anyone know what this could be? I have found two piles of these… in my daughters’ room.” Homemaking. Nini. August 14, 2023
  • “Homemaking Tips.” Facebook