When Elliot Costello and his travel group visited Cambodia, he had a life-changing encounter with a young girl named Thea. This chance meeting played a pivotal role in the start of a movement dedicated to ending sexual abuse against children.

Thea always had her tiny nails painted with nail polish. As Elliot engaged in conversation with her, she asked if she could paint one of his nails. He happily agreed, but little did he know that Thea was a victim of sexual abuse in the past.

“While she painted my nail, I made a promise to myself that I would always keep it that way to remember her and her suffering,” Elliot shared. This experience deeply moved Elliot and motivated him to bring about positive change among men, in the hope of preventing more children from becoming victims of sexual abuse.

And thus, the #PolishedMan movement was born. Men across the globe are encouraged to paint one of their nails to symbolize the one in five children who will experience sexual violence. By participating, they become advocates in the fight against sexual violence targeting children.

Polished Man actively works towards ending sexual violence against children. According to the organization, being a Polished Man means taking a stand against violent behavior and language, both locally and globally.

Elliot firmly believes that since men are responsible for 96% of sexual violence against children worldwide, they should be at the forefront of bringing about the necessary change to protect innocent children from abuse.

The purpose of the painted nail goes beyond just raising awareness about the staggering number of abused children. It serves as a starting point for conversations about this harsh reality, sparking new ideas and approaches towards prevention. Additionally, Elliot hopes that people will be inspired to contribute and support educational programs and resources for child abuse survivors.

We hope that more men, including celebrities, will be willing to join this movement and use their influence to amplify its cause. Together, we can create a world where children can grow up free from the fear of sexual abuse.