Goldie Hawn and her daughter Kate Hudson are not only talented Hollywood actresses, but they also share an uncanny resemblance. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, as they say—their family genes are truly powerful. And it’s not just Goldie and Kate who bear a striking likeness, but their resemblance is also passed down to their grandchildren.

Even at the young age of 7, Kate’s son, Rio, looks like a younger twin of Goldie. The resemblance between them is undeniable. When Goldie shared pictures of her grandkids on Instagram, people couldn’t help but notice the strong family resemblance.

On International Women’s Day, Goldie took the opportunity to celebrate the strong women in her life, including her granddaughter Rio. Rio is Goldie’s first grandchild, and their bond is undeniably special. The love and adoration between them are evident in every photo, like the touching shot taken on the red carpet.

Goldie captioned one of the photos, saying, “Couldn’t have picked a better date than my granddaughter Rio for my event in Palm Desert.” Many comments poured in, expressing how much Rio resembles Goldie. People couldn’t help but see a mini Goldie in Rio.

And who can blame Rio for adoring her grandmother? All kids love and adore their grandparents. It’s a beautiful relationship filled with love, wisdom, and cherished memories. Goldie is fortunate to have such loving grandchildren, and Rio is lucky to have such an amazing grandmother.

But the family keeps growing, and Goldie welcomed her seventh grandchild in 2021. Goldie, at the age of 76, is still as vibrant as ever and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren. She takes pride in showing off pictures of her young relatives, and why wouldn’t she? The more, the merrier, as they say!

Goldie’s children, Oliver and Kate, also have their own beautiful families. Kate has two boys, Ryan and Bingham, while Oliver has two sons, Wilder and Bodhi, and a newborn daughter named Rani Rose. They too embrace the joy of parenthood and treasure their family bonds.

Even Wyatt Russell, Goldie and Kurt Russell’s son, has joined the parenting club with his first child, Buddy. The family keeps growing, and the joy and love multiply with each passing year.

But Goldie’s love for children goes beyond her own family. In 2003, she established The Goldie Hawn Foundation’s MindUP program with the aim of helping children worldwide achieve mental well-being. The program focuses on teaching children about regulating their emotions, building resilience, and understanding how their brains work.

MindUP has made a significant impact, reaching millions of students in 13 countries. It continues to grow and thrive. You too can contribute and make a difference.

Goldie Hawn understands the preciousness of children and the importance of their well-being. Her dedication to helping young people is truly admirable. Rio is fortunate to have such a caring and loving grandmother, and she surely knows it.

The Hudson/Hawn/Russell family is a beautiful testament to the power of love, family bonds, and the joy that children bring.