Parkinson’s disease affects many aspects of daily life, but even in the face of this challenging condition, there are individuals who inspire us with their unwavering spirit and positive outlook. One such person is actor-turned-activist, Michael J. Fox.

Diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the young age of 29, Michael J. Fox has experienced firsthand the progression of this illness. Despite facing numerous physical ailments, Fox has remained resilient and optimistic. He often describes Parkinson’s as “a gift that keeps on taking,” highlighting the ongoing challenges it presents.

A Lifetime of Dedication

Since the 1990s, Michael J. Fox has dedicated his life to increasing research funding for Parkinson’s disease. His relentless pursuit of advancing treatments and potential cures has earned him not only admiration but also a lifetime achievement award. Interestingly, this accolade was not for his battle against Parkinson’s, but rather for his exceptional contributions to the world of cinema. This recognition showcased the emotional depth of his journey.

A Memorable Evening at the Spring Moving Image Awards

Recently, at the Spring Moving Image Awards in New York City, the 61-year-old star from the iconic film “Back to the Future” graced the red carpet. But what made this event even more special was the presence of his family. Fox’s twin daughters, Aquinnah Kathleen Fox and Schuyler Frances Fox, both 28 years old, joined him, along with his loving wife, Tracy Pollan, who is also 62 years old. Their presence added an extra layer of significance to an already memorable evening.

Discovering Strength Amidst Adversity

In 1990, a year after the release of “Back to the Future Part III,” Fox received a life-changing diagnosis of young-onset Parkinson’s disease. In an interview, he candidly stated, “Having Parkinson’s stinks…Every day, you struggle more and more, but that’s just the way things are.” This illness gradually damages various areas of the brain, resulting in symptoms such as tremors, slowed movement, and stiffness in muscles.

Throughout his journey, Fox has endured numerous falls, resulting in injuries such as fractures to his face and other body parts. He even had a benign tumor on his spine. Despite these challenges, he resiliently remarks, “You don’t die from Parkinson’s, you die with it…from all these subtle ways that get you.” His ability to confront the challenges head-on is a testament to his unwavering spirit.

The Power of Optimism and Gratitude

“I recognize how difficult this is for people and how challenging it is for me,” empathizes Fox. However, he emphasizes the importance of embracing optimism and gratitude as essential coping mechanisms. His unique set of skills developed over time allows him to navigate the hurdles that Parkinson’s presents. Finding something to be thankful for not only offers solace but also provides a beacon of hope to look forward to and a reason to keep moving forward.

Advancing Parkinson’s Research

In the year 2000, Fox established the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, aiming to raise awareness and funds for the cause. To date, the foundation has raised an astonishing $1.75 billion, contributing to groundbreaking research in the field. Thanks to efforts like these, a recent study claimed significant progress in the form of a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease. This breakthrough opens up new possibilities for early diagnosis, prediction of susceptibility, and improved treatment methods.

“I know where we are now,” enthuses Fox, “In five years, we will be able to diagnose it, predict if you will ever contract it, and know how to treat it.” His unwavering commitment to eradicating Parkinson’s disease is matched only by his determination to make a meaningful impact on the lives of millions affected by this condition.

A Legacy Beyond Hollywood

In 2020, Michael J. Fox announced his retirement from the silver screen, marking the end of an era. Nevertheless, his work as a humanitarian remains steadfast. In November, he received the prestigious Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award at the Governors Awards— an honorary Oscar recognizing his exceptional philanthropic achievements. The world can look forward to a forthcoming Apple TV+ documentary produced by Fox himself, a testament to his endless creative spirit and unwavering dedication.


Michael J. Fox’s remarkable journey with Parkinson’s disease serves as a guiding light for millions of individuals facing similar challenges. His unwavering optimism, dedication to research, and commitment to making a difference continue to inspire and instill hope. As we witness his extraordinary story unfold, we are reminded of the power that resides within each of us to overcome adversity and transform it into an opportunity for growth and resilience.