Turia Pitt, an extraordinary woman and former model, was participating in an ultra-marathon in Australia six years ago when her life took an unexpected turn. Trapped in a devastating bushfire, Turia suffered severe burns on 64 percent of her body, leaving doctors doubtful about her chances of survival. In the face of this adversity, Turia’s boyfriend, Michael Hoskin, made an incredible decision that would forever change their lives. He quit his job as a police officer to become Turia’s primary caregiver and devoted partner.

The path to recovery was long and challenging for Turia. Over the course of two years, she endured countless surgeries and faced unimaginable pain. Nonetheless, Turia’s determination and resilience shone through. She bravely discussed the horrifying event that took place during a 100km race in remote Western Australia in 2020. It was a moment etched into her memory – seeing bits of her skin stuck to the rocks, feeling a bubbling panic. But through it all, Turia’s unwavering spirit prevailed.

In 2015, a moment of pure love and devotion occurred. Michael proposed to Turia with a diamond ring he had bought while she was in intensive care, four years earlier. During their memorable vacation in the Maldives, Michael reminded her, “You’re beautiful.” Turia wore a mask on her face for two years to aid the healing process of her injuries. Slowly but surely, progress was made, and their love remained steadfast. The couple eventually tied the knot in 2016, a testament to their enduring love and commitment.


Turia is filled with deep gratitude for Michael’s unwavering support throughout the past seven challenging years. Most of her time has been spent in the hospital, and going to sleep beside her partner is something she cherishes. She realizes how fortunate she is to have such a kind and loving man by her side, and every day she wakes up beside him is a great day. Their bond serves as a source of strength and inspiration for them both.


Turia and Michael refuse to let tragedy define them. Instead, Turia’s determination propels them forward as they embrace life fully. Seeking neither pity nor sympathy, Turia hopes to inspire others with her resilience and courage. Michael wholeheartedly affirms her beauty and strength, emphasizing what an incredible woman she is.


But even with their remarkable progress, there was still a longing in their hearts – the desire to start a family and embark on the journey of parenthood together.


In 2017, Turia shared the joyous news on Instagram that she was expecting their first child. The announcement quickly spread across Australia, where people had been following their remarkable journey. Throughout her pregnancy, Turia maintained her fitness, although she knew running marathons would have to wait.


And then, their precious baby arrived!


On December 7th, 2017, Hakavai, their firstborn son, came into the world. Their joy multiplied when, on February 9th, 2020, they announced the birth of their second child, Rahiti Hoskin. Today, this resilient couple is happily married, raising their beautiful children together, and proving that love truly conquers all.

Turia and Michael’s extraordinary journey serves as a powerful testament to the unwavering support and devotion they have for each other. It’s an inspiration that reminds us all how true love knows no limits. Share this heartwarming story with your friends and spread a little hope and light into their lives!